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The Hilarious Youth Podcast

The Hilarious Youth Podcast is now available for your listening enjoyment on Apple Podcasts!

The Hunt For The Rogresto Ruby Part 2: Prospector's Paradise

SKETCH [All Ages] This story follows bounty hunter Aquanina Tina on a trip to the local prospectors’ supply store in search of a metal detector. She regales a friendly clerk with a tale of stolen riches. Detecting tall tales is part of the job description for any clerk in the prospector’s supply business… but nobody said it would be easy.


Aquanina Tina: Miranda

Clerk: Maile

Officer 1: Gabriela

Officer 2: Anouka

Bernadette Wiggins: Anouka

Xanathan X: Gabriela

Storyline Created By Miranda

Script, Original Soundtrack, Sound Design and Editing by Phillip Laurent

Student Vocal Performances recorded at Bird Records in San Francisco, CA

Phillip Laurent